I can think of more than 400 reasons, right now, why someone would want to sell their home with Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty. They are our passionate, intuitive, smart and skilled agents. They are everywhere across North Texas, finding buyers for homes, high-rises, ranches, land and commercial properties. Our agents are the best in the business — and our sellers couldn’t be in better hands. Our agents’ superior knowledge and experience are backed by our own game-changing technology, a management team that supports them in every way and an in-house team of marketing professionals who can help develop a strategy for any property in digital, print, video and 3D venues. Because of that unequalled mix, I am proud to say that we are the No. 1 luxury real estate brokerage in Texas, per REAL Trends, an independent firm that ranks agents and teams across the country. To put it frankly: Our homes sell for the highest average price in the entire state.

The Wall Street Journal, Mansion section, February 21, 2020
It doesn’t stop there. We are also a proud member of the global Sotheby’s International Realty network, now 23,000 agents in more than 70 countries and territories. Our agents harness the power of the world’s most prestigious real estate brand — its reputation, its reach and its strategies — to help sell the finest properties in the world, including yours. When your property debuts with Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty, it is instantly seen across North Texas and around the world, in every medium imaginable, by the most relevant, most affluent buyers possible. No other brokerage can compare — and our exceptional briggsfreeman.com and the powerful sothebysrealty.com are just the start of that amazing journey. But, despite all the bells and whistles — and we have the best ones — nothing will ever replace the skill and savvy of a professional real estate agent. The brokerage world has changed, absolutely. Big ideas are embraced, then abandoned. Quality experiences are promised, then not delivered. And there is a lot of talk about buyouts, sellouts and upstarts. It all makes me even more proud of who we are: a luxury real estate brokerage that has only ever sold luxury real estate. Here is our secret sauce: We are a North Texas brand, 60 years young. We were founded in 1960 as a boutique firm — and we are that very thing today. We’re the local brokerage with the global reach. The one with the iconic blue signs. We will never forget who we are. We sell homes, ranches, land and commercial properties — from and to the finest clients in the world. You.
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